What is rosacea?
Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that causes persistent redness in the central part of your face, flushing, pimples, and dilated blood vessels. There are four types of rosacea:
- Erythrotelangiectatic rosacea: redness, flushing, visible blood vessels
- Papulopustular rosacea: redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts
- Phymatous rosacea: skin thickens and develops a bumpy texture
- Ocular rosacea: eyes become red and irritated, and eyelids may become swollen
Even though rosacea can produce acne-like blemishes — it’s sometimes called adult acne — the two conditions are unrelated. Rosacea isn’t caused by excessive oil production or clogged pores.
Rosacea goes through cycles of flare-ups and remission. Triggers such as the following cause the flare-ups:
- Hot drinks and spicy foods
- Extreme temperatures
- Sunlight or wind
- Stress
- Exercise
- Cosmetics
- Drugs that dilate blood vessels
What increases my risk for rosacea?
Problems in blood vessels, sun damage in your skin, or even an immune reaction, might cause rosacea, but researchers are still exploring its exact cause. The following factors increase your risk:
- Age: typically between 30 and 50 years old
- Complexion: fair-skinned with blond hair and blue eyes
- History: family history of rosacea
- Gender: women get rosacea more often than men
How is rosacea treated?
Most patients struggle to find over-the-counter products that effectively treat their rosacea. In fact, you may find that many products irritate your skin and worsen your condition.
Rosacea can also make routine cleansing and moisturizing a challenge because it makes your skin more sensitive. Mild products or those made specifically for patients with rosacea produce the best results.
Treatment begins by identifying your triggers and creating a plan to avoid them. It’s also essential to protect your skin from ultraviolet light because it stimulates inflammation that can trigger or worsen rosacea. Dr. Hurst can provide recommendations if you find that ingredients in your sunscreen irritate your skin.
Dr. Hurst may prescribe one of many possible medications. For example, topical creams are available to reduce inflammation and redness, while oral antibiotics treat redness, inflamed pimples, and eye symptoms.
Restoring your confidence and appearance is crucial — and prevent future flare-ups — by getting the best treatment for your rosacea. Call Dr. Hurst to schedule an appointment for a thorough skin evaluation.